Team building at the start of the year: the ideal opportunity to strengthen ties

The New Year is the perfect time to strengthen the bonds between the members of your company. Team building can be an ideal opportunity to improve communication, collaboration and trust between teams. This is the time to plan a fun and stimulating activity to create a positive dynamic and strengthen team cohesion! 

Group of employees celebrating a New Year team-building event

Find in this article the team building activity for the beginning of the year that will motivate your teams! After the end of the year celebrations, team building offers your employees the opportunity to get back into the swing of things without too much difficulty. Discover in this article our selection of team building activities for the beginning of the year.

Don't hesitate to contact us via our website or by telephone on 05 34 391 392. A project manager dedicated to your event will support you throughout the organization of your New Year team building event. Tell us all about the specifics of your project, and will provide you with a personalized quote with several optionswithin 48 hours

Why is team building important at the start of the year?

The beginning of the year is a pivotal time for companies. It's a good time to set new goals and strengthen team cohesion. That's why team building at the start of the year is so important. It creates stronger bonds between team members, promotes communication and develops mutual trust. What's more, team building stimulates creativity and innovation by encouraging the exchange of ideas and group problem-solving. In short, team building at the start of the year is a unique and enriching opportunity for your company. So don't hesitate to organize fun, convivial activities to strengthen your team's cohesion and stimulate your employees' creativity!

How to make a team building success at the start of the year?

Team building at the start of the year is an ideal opportunity to strengthen ties within your company and boost employee motivation. But how do you make a success of this activity? First of all, it's important to clearly define your team building objectives and adapt the proposed activities to your needs. For greater effectiveness, it's also advisable to involve all your employees and encourage communication between them. Finally, don't forget to reward your teams' efforts to encourage them to keep up the momentum.

team building invictus games trophee

Top 10 team-building events to organize at the start of the year

Organizing team-building activities at the start of the year is an excellent idea for strengthening bonds within your company. To make your team-building a success, it's important to choose activities that are suited to your employees and the objective you're aiming for. You can opt for sports activities, role-playing, creative workshops or group brainstorming sessions. The benefits of team-building are numerous: strengthening team cohesion, improving communication, developing self-confidence and trust in colleagues, etc. By choosing original, fun activities, you'll stimulate your employees' creativity and foster their commitment to the company.

1 - Team building batucada

At the start of the new year, treat your employees to a moment of relaxation that will strengthen their group cohesion and entertain them to the rhythm of percussion!

Team building batucada

2 - Team building equi-coaching

A fun and positive experience that will enhance the talents of each person, develop cooperation and collective intelligence.

With the horse as a partner, this original and powerful coaching method aims to help your teams get to know each other better and discover new resources.

3 - Team building for solidarity

Would you like to learn more about disability and raise awareness among your employees? Familiarize your employees with a few disability-related situations while sharing a real moment of exchange!

Team building solidarity
A terrarium made during a team building event

4 -Team building terrarium creation

During this creative activity, your employees will create their own green setting, a miniature garden in their own image. A soothing and creative plant activity that will delight all your colleagues.


5 - Team building creation of essential oils

This team building activity will give you the opportunity to create, as a team, the synergy of your choice adapted to your desires and needs. 

Creation of essential oils
team building do it yourself

6 - Team building do it yourself

This fun workshop will teach your employees how to make everyday products in an eco-responsible way, taking care of the environment.

7 - Team building treasure hunt

The program for this treasure hunt includes an adventure in the town of your choice, with riddles, games and challenges to be solved as a team! Divided into several teams of 4 to 6 participants, each equipped with an investigator's briefcase, try to collect as many clues as possible.

8 - Team building culinary show

Inspired by a famous cooking show where the brigades challenge each other, have a real moment of cohesion and good humour! 

9 - Original snow activities Eastern Pyrenees

Discover a wide range of fun snow activities that will give you a great time with your employees.

Team building snow activity

10 - Team building destruction

An ideal team building activity to release the pressure and let off steam with your colleagues!

But still... Other team building activities for the start of the year

To develop your staff'steam spirit and reinforce solidarity, we propose a collective team building event at the beginning of the year. We offer a wide range of activities to enable your teams to share a moment of collaboration. These include Batucada, house-building, equi-coaching and solidarity team-building.

If you'd rather develop your teams' collective creativity and encourage communication, we can organize a creative team building event for you at the start of the year. It's the ideal way to get your teams working on a common goal. Team building examples: terrarium creation, essential oil perfume creation, restaurant creation, "do it yourself" workshop...

To develop your employees' self-transcendence and challenge them, we offer a challenge-oriented team building program. This type of team building offers both sporting and intellectual activities for all levels. The choice is yours! You'll find treasure hunts, games of chance, challenges...

Finally, to recharge your teams' batteries and help them embrace your company's values, offer them an unusual team building activity! From cooking shows to axe-throwing, snow activities or destruction... you'll be sure to amaze your staff!

Team building at the start of the year: a unique and rewarding opportunity

In conclusion, team building at the beginning of the year is a unique and enriching opportunity to strengthen ties within your company. It's an opportunity for employees to get to know each other better, work together and discover each other's skills. It can also help improve communication and collaboration between different departments within the company. What's more, team building activities can help reduce stress and increase employee motivation. By organizing fun and stimulating activities, you can create a positive working environment that encourages creativity and productivity. So don't hesitate to plan your next team building event now, and take the opportunity to strengthen the bonds within your company!

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