Corporate murder party entertainment

Prices from 

51 PLUS VATper person

on the basis of 



½ j

Package available from

10 à 1000people

Price varies according to location and number of people

Corporate murder party

This corporate murder party is an original team-building idea. Become an investigator for the evening and find out who's responsible for the murder!

The concept of a corporate murder party

A murder party is a life-size investigation game where each participant becomes an investigator for an evening, trying to find the culprit behind a murder.

Crime scene, witness interrogation, clues about the suspects, forensic analysis. It will be up to you to ask the right questions, to cross-check the information... to discover the culprit, his motive and his modus operandi. We organise a game of investigation in the location of your choice, using one of our plots as a stage. The guests are both the suspects and the investigators. A murder has been committed during the evening by one of the guests. Of course everyone is a suspect, the murderer is among you and must not be discovered. Everyone is trying to find out who killed him and is trying not to be falsely accused.

The characters of your company Murder Party :

The commissioner is the master of the game, and is necessarily interpreted by an animator. He brings the game to life, providing explanations, rhythm and stages. This animator also provides the clues. We think of him as the police commissioner.

The deputy commissioner, for his part, has to help distribute the clues.

The witness is played by a participant who receives a character sheet 3 weeks in advance, and has to memorize its contents so as to be able to respond fluently to the investigators (the other guests). The witness is not a suspect. In the story, it's a character with a central role (bartender, receptionist, for example) who has seen and heard a certain number of things. He or she is there to answer the investigators' questions, to shed light on the relationship between the victim and the suspects, and to clarify the chronology leading up to the crime.

How your company Murder Party will be organised:

The members of each team divide the tasks of the investigation as they see fit: obtaining clues from the game master, questioning the suspects and the witness. Participants play in teams (4-6 people per team), the crime scene is set up for observation, clues are available from the game master.

  • The witness makes a theatrical entrance to announce that a corpse has just been discovered.
  • The police commissioner arrives and takes charge.
  • Distribution of investigator files to teams.
  • The body is discovered and the players make their findings at the crime scene.
  • Distribution of the initial autopsy report to all participants.
  • Interviews with the witness.
  • Provision of forensic evidence (fingerprints, analyses, etc.).
  • Interviews with suspects (if interpreted)
  • Accusation: each team enters the findings of its investigation.
  • Revelation: the curator marks the papers, announces the winning team and reveals what happened. Each member of the winning team receives a prize (paperback detective novels and/or DVDs).
Example scenario: Rooms Services

In the early evening, it is quiet in this luxurious restaurant, the "TantDsaveurs", which has 4 Michelin stars. This prestigious restaurant has been honoured in the famous gastronomic guide for several years. Julia Terroni, one of the most demanding food critics of this famous guide, is staying at the hotel for her annual visit and to write her assessment of the restaurant. The hotel receptionist is concerned when she tries to reach her in her room to tell her that her taxi has arrived and is waiting to take her to the restaurant. She is stunned to discover the lifeless body of Julia Terroni lying on the floor of the room.

Price includes :

- The organization of the murder party,
- The equipment provided,
- The anthropometric photos of the guests interpreting the suspects,
- The prize for each member of the winning team,
- The assembly and disassembly of the equipment.

Price does not include :

- Travel expenses if the event takes place outside the Toulouse area,
- Room hire,
- Refreshments during the activity,
- A table and chairs for each team,
- A large table for the steward and deputy steward,
- Personal expenses,
- Any services not mentioned.

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